The Common Cold
I feel terrible at the moment -- I mean I'm not dying or anything but I just don't feel comfortable. Throats a little itchy and got a runny nose-ish and maybe a little cough here and there. Yeah yeah other people got it worse -- but other people also got it better!
I was never a fan of getting sick -- but when I did get sick it was never an easy thing to get passed. So to make it something I could live with, I turned it into an experiment.
From when I can remember, I was always trying to figure out ways to either keep myself from getting sick or trying to ease the symptoms of when I got sick. Most of my attempts produced insignificant results -- it has always been the same end result: if I was gonna get sick, I was gonna get sick and suffer -- a lot.
Of all the ideas I've had, I gotta say the worst one was in college. I was going through the whole phase of extreme living. I always went out and I always stayed out late. Whenever I got sick, I used to play this game called the cough-shot game -- I know very creative. Every time I would cough, I would take a shot of something (liquor). My theory was alcohol had alcohol in it -- and well medicine had some alcohol in it. So I'm basically self-medicating right? It was a horible idea in a sense that it never healed me -- all it did was incapacitate me after a while -- which was fantastic at the time. Would I ever do that again? No. Pretty sure that made me an alcohlic for a period of time -- but hey it was for science. As the years rolled by I would come up with a ridiculous theory and each one of them would flop.
However, few years back I figured out an actual way to keep myself from getting sick. It was by accident -- I noticed after a while I hadn't gotten sick for a super long time. Then I tried to figure out why -- turns out eating broccoli on a daily basis was a good thing -- dug into it further and found out broccoli had a butt load of Vitamin C in it -- which helps fight stuff like the cold. I was working out, eating healthy and breathing freely.
Eventually lazyness got the best of me and I let it all go -- started getting sick again and slow. Today is one of those days where I regret my decision of not eating well and not working out. Feel like complete crap.
I think it's time to go back and eat some broccoli and probably even start going back to the gym -- I mean I've been paying for it monthly and not actually going. Someone made a joke about it a while back -- they should just make a gym membership where you pay for NOT going. It would basically be the plan most of the country is on sadly.
Anyways the days are getting brighter and staying brighter for a longer amount of time -- the weather is finally warming up and the snow seems to be all gone (still on the ground but nothing from the sky thankfully). I think I'm gonna make it an inititiave to go back and start eating some greens again.
As I write this I just had some Toblerone and coffee -- coffee isn't a bad thing to have but the chocolates definitely weren't a good idea. I'm starting off on a great note.