Mornings and Waking Up
I've been having trouble sleeping and trouble waking up -- it's been an ongoing thing for quite some time. Either I'm super into something the night before like a program or even just a movie / show -- or I just can't get out of bed in the morning. Even when I sleep for like 8+ hours -- I just can't get out. It's almost like I don't want to get up and take on the world. That just might be it though -- I've read in a number of places if people don't have a good enough reason to get up, they won't get up.
This makes sense. On days where I am super excited about the rest of the day, I can wake up and get ready almost immediately. All the other days I have trouble. The thing I wonder though -- does everyone feel motivated when they wake up super early and do little things like get to work on time? Can the rest of the world be that motivated? If so, why not me?
I've had this initiative in the back of my head for a while of waking up super early, go to the gym and get my sh*t together before my day starts. Afterwards I'd get to work on time and take on the world. That initiative hasn't quite been fulfilled. I just don't know what it is. I'm the kind of guy who finds logic in everything -- if there isn't a logical reason for it -- chances are I won't do it.
Here's the PRO list for waking up
- Early start to the day (early bird gets the worm?)
- Less people / noise out there to distract you
- Be able to get a bird's eye view of whats coming the rest of the day
- Have a healthy habit of going to the gym
Here's the CON list for waking up
- It's too cold
- It's too early
- Going to be doing something all day why not start out with a break and some rest
- Too tired
Maybe there is logic there but I just haven't had the opportunity to be exposed to it. Maybe all I have to do is just get started and go -- maybe it's that easy. The weather is finally warming up here so I'll probably give it a shot some time soon. Wish me luck.